2011-01-29 1924

Click To Help Maleficent
"Listen well, all of you!", "Glowfish,"
is nothing more than an insignificant stub.

It is in desperate need of more content.
So says Maleficent:
the Mistress of All Evil.
Click To Help Ursula!
You Poor Unfortunate Soul, this "Glowfish,"
has been found to need Ursula’s Touch.
It MUST be rewritten, see the light, and make a switch!!
So says Ursula:
the true queen of Atlantica.
Pez Brillo

Glowfish is a one-time antagonist who appears in the episode "Red" or The Little Mermaid television series. He is voiced by Jim Cummings.


He is a very greedy individual and is jealous of the king’s wealth.


Glowfish is seen to be working as a treasurer for the Atlantican king, when the treasure begins disappearing. It is later discovered that he’s behind the theft.
